Eyes are wonderful gift by God.What do you think can we judge someone from their eye expression?
I think you can judge a person with their eyes expression.Eye expression is a part of facial expression.
I hope you read this beautiful line "The eyes are the windows to the soul".

People cry that does not mean that they are sad there may be other meaning for that.
You can also say something with others without any word .Your expression make that words which you want to say.

You have to judge people with their eyes and some part of face that will help you for reading the others face.
There may be many results occurs from eyes expressions:

Love:if you want someone to find you attractive, look them in the face and smile.Love is beautiful and pure. It is celestial and intense. It is neither for skeptics nor for people who try to make profit out of everything and look upon life as a business deal. Neither is it for those who are consumed with lust.

Sadness :When I am sad and look at myself in the mirror, my eyes look totally different. They are darker and gloomy. When you look at a person who is beaming with happiness, there is somewhat of a sparkle in their eyes.

Lying Eyes:Have you ever wished that you could tell when someone is lying to you? f you watch closely, it is the eyes that give away that a person is lying. When a person's eyes glance up to the right above their head, they are visualizing while they are trying to recall facts. If they, even slightly and quickly, glance down toward the ground to their left, then they are probably lying.

Angerness:There are several reasons that we can be perceived as being angry. One is brow position, another is a deep crease between the eyes, another is a downturned smile to name just a few.


